Psychology to przedmiot, który koncentruje się na naukowym podejściu do problemów ludzkiego zachowania i procesów umysłowych. W ramach tego przedmiotu uczniowie poznawać będą interdyscyplinarną wiedzę pozwalającą im zobaczyć procesy myślowe i zachowania ludzi z perspektywy społecznej, biologicznej i poznawczej.
First few classes will help you understand what is the nature of the subject, aquatint your-self with assessment, establish workflow. But most importantly you will see how fun psychology is going to be. (Despite the gigantic amount of writing you are going to be doing)
The brain and behaviour
- Techniques used to study the brain in relation to behaviour
- Localization
- Neuroplasticity
- Neurotransmitters and their effect on behaviour
Hormones and behaviour
- Hormones and behaviour
- Pheromones and behaviour
Genetics and behaviour
- Genes and behaviour
- Genetic similarities
- Evolutionary explanations for behaviour
HL only: The role of animal research in understanding human behaviour
Cognitive processing
- Models of memory
- Schema theory
- Thinking and decisio-nmaking
Reliability of cognitive processes
- Reconstructive memory
- Biases in thinking and decision-making
Emotion and cognition
- The influence of emotion on cognitive processes
HL only
Cognitive processing in the digital world
The individual and the group
- Social identity theory
- Social cognitive theory
- Stereotypes
Cultural origins of behaviour and cognition
- Culture and its influence on behaviour and cognition
- Cultural dimensions
Cultural influences on individual attitudes, identity and behaviours
- Enculturation
- Acculturation
HL only
The influence of globalization on individual attitudes, identities and behaviour
- Research methods
- Elements of researching behaviour
- Analysing data
- Evaluating research
- Drawing conclusions
• abnormal psychology
• developmental psychology
• health psychology
• psychology of human relationships.